Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Personal Vision of Web 2.0 Video

Web 2.0 and Theory of Learning
Thomas Parrish
Technology and Education

Technology has gone beyond the wave of the future. Technology is the here and now, the past as well as the future. What this means for the modern teacher is a working knowledge of current technologies is imperative in order to remain effective in the classroom. All of the different new technologies involved in web 2.0 are wonderful ways to enhance a lesson plan or enrich the lives of students. Web 2.0 video has the capability to provide students with quality material, this is particularly helpful when time constraints are taken into consideration and the realization occurs that all of the necessary material cannot be covered in the school day.
One way that web 2.0 video could be useful is providing after school assistance with difficult projects. The teacher could create a blog for her students to follow for the duration of the project. The teacher could create a video that assists students in completing the difficult portions of the assignments and embed the video into the blog. With this technology the students could refer back to the blog as many times as is necessary to finish the assignment. This allows for much better retention for the student.
Another way in which web 2.0 is useful in the modern classroom is the way virtually all universities are engaging in e-learning. Many universities provide lectures on the internet for free. This should never be used as a replacement for the teacher, but it can be an excellent supplement. It is also important to bear in mind that these university lectures will be beyond the abilities of all but the most advanced high school classes, with the help of the teacher they can easily be used to help concrete an idea given in class.
Web 2.0 video is a wonderful way to enhance the classroom experience. Not only does it break up the monotony of a semester worth of lectures, but it creates a rich learning environment as well. This learning environment is no longer bound by the constraints of the text book and the teacher’s intellect but is only limited by what is available on the web. As we all know, the web is a limitless source of information. It will be the educator’s responsibility to point the children into the direction of quality knowledge.

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